Mahakali River

Mahakali River flows between the countries of India and Nepal. Mahakali River is also famous by the name of Kalinga river. The name Kalinga river however is more in use in India than in Nepal. The Mahakali River acts as a boundary between these two neighboring countries. The region of Mahakali River in India is popular by the name of Sharda and the same region in Nepal is called Kali. The river of Mahakali received its name from the Hindu goddess Mahakali who is believed to be the goddess of rage and courage.

There are two important tributaries of the Mahakali River in Nepal. These two rivers are the Chamelia river and the Limpiyadhura river. The snow capped mountain peaks are the major origins of the Mahakali River in Nepal.

The Mahakali River of Nepal was formerly an important Nepalese military base. However after the Anglo-Nepal war, the military base got shifted from the Mahakali River region. There are eleven famous villages surrounding the regions of the Mahakali River at Nepal. These villages include the Chandani, Kalika, Dodhara, Triti, Dharchula, Handeshar, Balwakote, Pancheshwar, Jaulijibi, Jhulaghat and the Tanakpur. All these villages lie on the western coast of the Mahakali River.

Nepal's Top River

Karnali River, the largest and longest river in Nepal, is the destination of most rafters in Nepal. Karnali River, known as Ghaghara in India, literally means ' holy water from the sacred mountain'. The river is ideal for long rafting trips. The lowland trek joining strength with few impressive canyons makes Karnali an unforgettable river rafting trip in Nepal. While kayaking in the river one passes amidst dense forests and picturesque natural beauty. For the lovers of big volume river rafting, Karnali river is safe to recommend.
Fast Facts
Mid Western Nepal
Largest and longest river
180 km
Rafting Duration
5 days
Point in
Sauli/ Syauli
Point Out
Best Season to Visit
  • October to Decenber
  • March to May
Nearby Attractions
Royal Bardia National Park

The Experience
Rafting in Karnali River is not an ordinary trip for any rafter. The trek comes for the rafters' enjoyment with some of the most beautiful canyons in Nepal. Diversity in flora and fauna is incredible. Rapids in the river get huge after the monsoon rains. Flow of the water increases when river slices through some narrow canyons. Those who desire to experience breathtaking scenery, scintillating action and enjoyment of a long trip should go for a ride in Karnali River.
Rapids like 'Flip and Strip', 'Captivity' and 'Gods House' compete with one another for providing excitement to the rafters. The river broadens as it bids adieu to the the mountains. Beaches become more beautiful and forests thick.

The Rapids
The rapids you encounter in the early part are comparatively easy, but as you enter the main canyon it becomes thrill every minute. There is a rapid waiting for you every corner. The rafting expedition here is for expert rafters. Not underestimate the trip for the terrain is wild. In case you have decided to take the services of a commercial company, properly check out their experience on the river. Second half of the Karnali could come as an anti-climax for the few, for it has little white water. But plenty of wilderness and wildlife make up for it.

Salient Features
  • Majestic view of the Himalayas
  • Gorgeous rapids like God's House, and gorges like Jungle Corridor
  • Kayaking opportunity
  • Spectacular scenery
  • One of the finest stretches of white water in the world.
Nearby Attractions
Safari at National Bardia Park
The Karnali River slices through the Royal Bardia National Wildlife Preserve, arguably the finest wildlife reserve in Nepal. Bardia of today is what Chitwan was 20 years ago. Stays at the luxurious Tiger Tops lodge and tented camp are very exciting. One can enjoy plethora of activities ranging from elephant safaris, canoeing amongst marsh mugger crocodiles, jungle walks and bird watching in the park.

  • Karnali is fed from the melting snow-capped Himalaya ranges.
  • Karnali is known as the Ghagra River in India.
  • Karnali flows through one of the most remote and least explored areas of Nepal.
  • It is one of premier fishing rivers of Nepal.