Bhaktapur Information

Tourist services:
Hotel services, Mountain Flight, Wild life tours, Sightseeing, Jungle Safari, Trekking, Rafting, Adveture sport, Kayaking, Biking, Mountaineering, Helicopter service, Para Gliding, Casinos, etc.
World heritage sites:
Bhaktapur Durbar Square, Bouddha Nath stupa, Changu Narayan Temple, Kathmandu Darbar Square, Pashupatinath Temple, Patan Durbar Square, Swayambhu Nath Temple, Everest National Park, Royal Chitwan National Park etc.
Telephone no. of Immigration offices:
Department of Immigration, Kathmandu: +977 1 4222453, 4223590 Fax: +977 1 4223127 and Pokhara: +977 61 521167
Trekking Safety:
**Never trek alone, hire a guide and a porter with us E-mail: for the best services during you are in Nepal.
**Become informed about high altitude sickness.

**Carry a medicine kit and medicines you need.

**Take water purifier tablets.

** Watch well where you are walking and don't step back ward during you are taking pictures.

**Never take pictures of people without permission.

**Take you time during you are trekking or hiking, taking rest is better for your health.
Entry Fees:
Bhaktapur Entry: For foreign Nationals -US$ 10 P.P. & for SAARC Nationals- NRS 50 P.P.

Patan Entry:
For foreign Nationals -NRS 200 P.P. & for SAARC Nationals- NRS 25 P.P.

Bouddhanath Sutpa Entry :
For foreign Nationals -NRS 50 P.P. & for SAARC Nationals- No

Swayambhunath Stupa Entry :
For foreign Nationals -NRS 50 P.P. & for SAARC Nationals- No

Annapurna Region Entry :
For foreign Nationals -NRS 2,000 P.P. & for SAARC Nationals- NRS 250 P.P.

Everest and Langtang Region :
For foreign Nationals -NRS 1,000 P.P. & for SAARC Nationals- NRS 250 P.P.
Airport Tax:
All passengers departing from Tribhuval International Airport is NRS 1356 (With VAT) to SAARC countries, NRS 1695 (With VAT) to all the international destinations and NRS 170 for domestics departures.